Kyiv Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of BRSM-NAFTA and upheld the ruling of Desnianskyi District Court to institute the proceedings. This gives hope to the Vasylkiv residents affected by the tragedy consequences to fair compensation. At the same time, the consideration of appeal to the ruling on provisional injunction (, which seized the BRSM property totaling UAH 1.3 billion, was adjourned to November 27.
200 members of the Foundation to Overcome the Vasylkiv Tragedy Consequences NGO gathered under the walls of the Kyiv Court of Appeal to recall the horrors of the largest man-made disaster in the modern history of Ukraine, which occurred at the tank farm of BRSM-NAFTA on June 8, 2015. Some people went to court and attended the hearing. The lawyers of BRSM-NAFTA companies group failed to cancel the proceedings for compensation under the claim of the Foundation. Besides, the court adjourned the consideration of a statement of appeal against the ruling on provisional injunction to November 27, thus having upheld the ruling on property seizure. The people actively demonstrated passports with Vasylkiv registration and handed out the leaflets with facts about the fire at the tank farm near Vasylkiv.
“We do not encourage anyone to make any specific decision, we just want to remind the court about those terrible days when the tank farm was burning and that BRSM owners didn’t even apologize to Vasylkiv residents! We are entitled to compensation. That is why we are here. Today we are hundreds, but thousands will gather if required,” commented Tamara Ivanova, a member of the Foundation to Overcome the Vasylkiv Tragedy Consequences NGO.
Let us recall that on September 14, 2018, Desnyanskiy District Court of Kyiv granted the statement of claim and seized the property and cash assets of BRSM-NAFTA companies group in the amount of claim, which is about UAH 1.3 billion!
Vasylkiv tragedy is a large-scale man-made disaster caused by explosion and subsequent ignition of oil at the tank farm near the village of Kriachky, Kyiv region, which began June 8, 2015 and lasted for 8 days. The fire killed 6 persons, injured 14, and thousands were recognized ass victims. This is the biggest disaster in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident.
Нагадаємо, що 14 вересня 2018 року Деснянський районний суд міста Києва задовольнив заяву про забезпечення позову та заарештував майно та грошові активи групи компаній «БРСМ-НАФТА» в межах суми позову у розмірі близько 1.3 мільярда гривень!
«Васильківська трагедія» – це масштабна техногенна катастрофа, спричинена вибухом і наступним займанням нафтопродуктів на нафтобазі біля села Крячки Васильківського району Київської області, що почалася 8 червня 2015 року і тривала 8 днів. У ході пожежі загинуло 6 людей, 14 травмовано, а тисячі визнані постраждалими. Це найбільша катастрофа на території України після аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС.